नक्सा पास गरिदिने भन्दै ८० हजार घुस लिने इञ्जिनीयर परे पक्राउ

Monday, December 31, 2018
नक्सा पास गरिदिने भन्दै ८० हजार घुस लिने इञ्जिनीयर परे पक्राउ

काठमाडौँ – अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले शुद्धोधन गाउँपालिकामा प्राविधिक शाखाका कार्यरत इञ्जिनीयर कपिल आचार्य र सवइञ्जिनीयर लक्ष्मण ढुङ्गानालाई सेवाग्राहीसँग घुस लिएको अभियोगमा पक्राउ गरेको छ ।
सेवाग्राहीको पुरानो भवनको नक्सा पास गरिदिने र अभिलेखीकरण गरिदिने भन्दै उहाँहरुले रु ८० हजार घुस लिएको आयोगको दाबी छ । आयोगले उहाँहरुलाई सोही गाउँपालिका–४ बाट यही पुस १३ गते नियन्त्रणमा लिइएको भए पनि आवश्यक छानबिन पछि आज मात्रै सार्वजनिक गरिएको आयोगका प्रवक्ता रामेश्वर दङ्गालले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

नक्सा पास गरिदिने भन्दै ८० हजार घुस लिने इञ्जिनीयर परे पक्राउ नक्सा पास गरिदिने भन्दै ८० हजार घुस लिने इञ्जिनीयर परे पक्राउ Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 31, 2018 Rating: 5

Engineer couple burnt by a heater saving one and a half years child.

Monday, December 31, 2018
Engineer couple burnt by a heater saving one and a half years child.
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Kathmandu, The more joy in the winter hits the winter, it also requires caution. The same hitter took an engineer's death in Kathmandu.

Engineer Pushkar Joshi, JICA Consultant, Engineer Apsra Shrestha, who works in the road department, lost five lives in the interval of five days. They were seriously injured in a rampage of fire fired from the hit. Their children and a half year old are treated at the hospital.

The details of how the fire was fired, both of them were unconscious. However, seeing the nature of the event, the hazard's gas seems to be flaming fire. It has also been understood that both the gas and electric heaters that they run on the same day.

'They may have got a gas leak on the opening of the door door, by hanging the door and pressing the hiter,' Dinesh Bhatt, close engineer with Joshi couple, told the online news.

The fire room was not spread out. Bed room has also been seen in the room. Since the hiters were in the door, they could not open the paypal. The glass of the window is also split. However, because of the delay in the window, it was not possible to get out of it.

They are not even screamed by crying. Neighborhoods do not even hear. However, no one came to the spot.

"People of Chimak are stuck at the door while they say they are crying out," he said. After a long time, the house of the house was called to the police and called the police.

When the police came and opened the door, three were in a state of uncertainty. When Apsala had covered the child, Pushkar had covered the Apasara. So most of the Pushkar was burnt. His hand was burnt most of his hands.

"Pushkar said," Both the hands have tried to save wife and son by hanging the fire with both hands, "Bhatt said.

Due to the lack of mother and father, the child did not get too much irritation. However, he was also in a state of uncertainty.

Police came and brought three to Shahid Memorial Hospital near. However, they did not have proper treatment. According to the doctors, the burnt-in-the-air should be slated immediately, as the fire consumes all the water of the body.
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Engineer couple burnt by a heater saving one and a half years child. Engineer couple burnt by a heater saving one and a half years child. Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 31, 2018 Rating: 5

टेलिकमको प्रवन्ध निर्देशक बन्न ११ जनालाइ आवेदन,हेर्नुहोस।

Friday, December 28, 2018

१३ पुस, काठमाडौं । नेपाल टेलिकमको प्रबन्ध निर्देशक बन्न ११ जनाले आवेदन दिएका छन् । त्यसमध्ये ९ जनाले मात्रै टेलिकममा प्रवन्ध निर्देशक बन्न आफ्नो कार्ययोजनासहित प्रस्तुतीकरण राख्न पाउने भएका छन् ।
प्रवन्ध निर्देशक बन्न सानउल्लाह खान, विमल आचार्य, बुद्धिप्रसाद आचार्य, गोकर्णप्रसाद सिटौला, संगीता पहाडी, डिल्लीराम अधिकारी, नगेन्ऽकुमार दास, चन्द्रमोहन झा, प्रदीपराज उपाध्याय, अनिल कुमार झा र रामदेव यादवले प्रवन्ध निर्देशक बन्न इच्छा देखाउँदै निवेदन दिएका छन् ।
११ मध्ये दुई जनालाई अर्को चरणको प्रस्तुतिकरणका लागि अयोग्य ठहराइएको सञ्चार मन्त्रालय स्रोतले जनाएको छ । उनीहरुको नाम गोप्य राखिएको छ ।
सञ्चार तथा सूचना प्रविधि मन्त्रालयले गत मंसिर २९ गते प्रवन्ध निर्देशक नियुक्तिका लागि लागि आवेदन माग गरेको थियो ।
अन्तिम मिति बुधबारसम्म टेलिकमभित्रबाटै सात जना कर्मचारीले आवेदन दिएका छन् । यस्तै पूर्वा प्रवनध निर्देशक बुद्धि आचार्य पनि आकांक्षीका रुपमा देखिएका छन् ।
साउन २९ गतेको मन्त्रीपरिषदले कामिनी राजभण्डारी बर्खास्त गरेपछि टेलिकममा नेतृत्व अभाव छ ।
टेलिकमको प्रवन्ध निर्देशक बन्न ११ जनालाइ आवेदन,हेर्नुहोस। टेलिकमको प्रवन्ध निर्देशक बन्न ११ जनालाइ आवेदन,हेर्नुहोस। Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Friday, December 28, 2018 Rating: 5

एक हप्ता पनि टिकेन नेपाल आइडल रविको खुसी, आमाको निधन

Tuesday, December 25, 2018
काठमाडौँ, ११ पुस । दोस्रो नेपाल आइडल रवि ओडलाई 
मातृशोक परेको छ । बुधबार बिहान पानी तान्ने क्रममा करेन्ट लागेर ओडकी आमा ४५ वर्षिया विष्णाको मृत्यु भएको हो ।
करेन्टर लागेर घाइते भएकी विष्णालाई उपचारका लागि सेती अञ्चल अस्पताल लगिए पनि उनलाई अस्पतालले मृत घोषणा गरेको थियो ।
बुधबार बिहान करेन्ट लागेपछि घाइते ओडनलाई बिहान पौने ९ बजे सेती अञ्चल अस्पताल पुर्‍याइएको थियो । अस्पताल स्रोतका अनुसार त्यहाँ पुर्‍याउँदा उनको मृत्यु भइसकेको थियो ।
विष्णा रविकी कान्छी आमा हुन् । विभिन्न अन्तरवार्तामा रविले उल्लेख गरे अनुसार विष्णाले आमाको मायामा कुनै कमी दिएकी थिइनन् । जन्मदिने आमाको सानैमा मृत्यु भएपछि विष्णाले आफ्नै छोरा जस्तो गरेर हुर्काएकी थिइन् ।
कञ्चनपुरमा आयोजित विभिन्न कार्यक्रममा सम्मान तथा अभिनन्दन थापिरहेका रवि व्यस्तताका कारण घर गएका थिएनन् । कर्मदिने आमासँग हुर्केका रवि नेपाल आइडल विजेता बनेको खुशी साट्न नपाउँदै परिवारमा दुःखद घटना घटेको छ ।
रवि गएको छ गते नेपाल आइडल बनेका थिए ।

एक हप्ता पनि टिकेन नेपाल आइडल रविको खुसी, आमाको निधन एक हप्ता पनि टिकेन नेपाल आइडल रविको खुसी, आमाको निधन Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 Rating: 5

आफ्नो प्रेम साँचो हो की झुटो कसरी थाहा पाउने?|| How To Know Your Love Is True or Not?

Thursday, December 20, 2018
How To Know Your Love Is True or Not?

How To Know Your Love Is True or Not?
Love couples make a mistake to give life to each other. Many lovers throw words like 'You My Heart', 'You Say,' Only the Star of the Sky will fall ',' I Keep You Empressable '.

But if all of the words spoken would be true, why would somebody's love afflict them? So, all the words said by the lover should not be fully trusted by kissing your eyes and not all love is good. Some may have pretended to love for their physical pleasures.

It is said that the mouth of a man can speak false, but the body can not. While we talk with someone and talk with one mouth, 'Long Language' is showing another feeling. 'Long Language' shows the real purpose of any human being.

Depending on the sweet and screaming thing, you think that your love is true, but after some time you only know that it is physical affection. If you think deeply about your relationship, then it is really love or simply physical attraction. So if you are in love with someone or draw close to someone, then consider the following.

Does your partner just value physical relationships?

A healthy love relationship can also have physical intercourse. But, if your partner always thinks about sexually or physically affects physical relationships, you need to think that this is love.

Love means faith, commitment and communication. However, if your partner searches physically to you at all times, you should withdraw one step. Make a commitment in any relationship only when it is based on love.

Has one another attracted a lot of attention?

If you are in real love with someone, the attraction of each other should never be tired. However, if not real love, attraction is reduced at some time, and it becomes very cautious with each other.

There is a lot of emotional closeness in relation to physical proximity, but the basis for that relationship is really love. However, if some time the love goes down, then be aware that the relationship was made only by physical attraction.

Outer beauty

Sometimes you give someone somebody because of their external beauty. However, in such a situation you may have confusion in love, which is not real.

After some time, you feel that you never love it personally. Only because of the external and physical beauty, you know that you were attending.

It focuses on the actual side of the relationship

No relationship is easy to handle. Everything comes in a bad time. However, it is important for you to solve the problem. If you are in truth and love each other, think about the real side of the relationship.

Also, think about how your relationship can be better. But when acting only for physical relationships, then relationships are not about building up but instead of thinking about their selfishness.

If you feel that your partner does not even get in touch with the relationship, do not invest your time and love in that relationship.

आफ्नो प्रेम साँचो हो की झुटो कसरी थाहा पाउने?|| How To Know Your Love Is True or Not? आफ्नो प्रेम साँचो हो की झुटो कसरी थाहा पाउने?|| How To Know Your Love Is True or Not? Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Thursday, December 20, 2018 Rating: 5

खुसिको खबर आयो पुरुषहरुका लागि गर्भनिरोधक सुई, एक पटक लगाएपछि पुरै बर्सभरि ढुक्क ! contraceptive vaction for men, latest nepali news!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Contraceptive Vaccine For Men,news

Contraceptive Vaccine For Men
There are several methods of temporary contraception for women. Veccine, pills and loungers, and hand tools, and condoms.

But for men, condoms are not available as a bone contraception tool. In such cases, men are also likely to be in vain waiting for new contraceptive instruments as a substitute for condoms.

By ending the waiting hours of the men, scientists have invented two men's needle as well as asthma contraceptive needles for women.

After applying this contraceptive needle for a male, once condolence of condoms, one year will be able to interfere with the needle and will not be pregnant in a woman with one such person.

Scientific scientists in the US of Persons have said that such men's contraceptive needle is invented.

While researchers surveyed this veccine in the market, they gave positive results, and the syrup that was wearing such needle has not been able to conceive the female for a year.

Donald Valler, a professor at the University of Illinois of America, said that the results received during the trial conducted in Rawalpindi is far better than expected. Researchers believe that this needle used in rabbit and can be used as contraception for people as well.

वैज्ञानिकहरुले उक्त Contraceptive Vaccine For Men "भेसल जेल" नाम दिएका छन् । अब छिटै मानिसमा यसको परीक्षण सुरु गर्ने उनीहरुको भनाइ छ । यो जनचेतनाको लागि भएकाले कृपया शक्दो SHARE गरिदिनुहोला

खुसिको खबर आयो पुरुषहरुका लागि गर्भनिरोधक सुई, एक पटक लगाएपछि पुरै बर्सभरि ढुक्क ! contraceptive vaction for men, latest nepali news! खुसिको खबर आयो पुरुषहरुका लागि गर्भनिरोधक सुई, एक पटक लगाएपछि पुरै बर्सभरि ढुक्क ! contraceptive vaction for men, latest nepali news! Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Rating: 5

चकलेट दिने बहानागरि ७ वर्षीया बालिकामाथि बलात्कार हेर्नुहोस??|| Seven Years Old Girl Has Been Raped In Nepal

Tuesday, December 18, 2018
 Seven Years Old Girl Has Been Raped In Nepal

के तपाईं यो Website मा माथी देखएजस्तै बिज्ञापन राख्न चाहानुहुन्छ,यदि चाहानुहुन्छ भने यहाँ CLICK गर्नुहोस्।fee-2,000/month मो-9814695072 e-mail:joshikhagen3@gmail.com,mobile no ९८१४६९५०७२ Seven Years Old Girl Has Been Raped In Nepal 
Dhanunsha - Seven years old girl has been raped in nepal, Ganeshman Charanath Municipality 5-year-old girl. Rushan Basnet, 25, of the locals, raped the girl at home at 10 am on Monday,reped in the house.

Police Inspector Saroj Rai of the Area Police Office Dhalkebar, informed that after the serious condition of the child .Child was not possible at the local level, the treatment was not possible at the local level, BP Koirala Science Institute Dharan. According to him, a young man who raped Basnet was arrested in the night and was sent to Dharan with a girl for a medical examination.

According to the locals or her neighbour, the mother of the raped girl is blind. At night, Maetka's daughter-in-law, who had brought her chocolate to her grandmother abroad, had opened the doors of the girl's house, saying she had come to give a chocolate. Then she took the girl and raped him and got raped.

The mother of the girl, Basit, was known by the voice. After the child was missing, the girl's mother had surrendered to the village. The society immediately informed the police. In Uttarakhari, a girl was raped and naked in critical condition. According to the police, Basit was arrested immediately.

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चकलेट दिने बहानागरि ७ वर्षीया बालिकामाथि बलात्कार हेर्नुहोस??|| Seven Years Old Girl Has Been Raped In Nepal चकलेट दिने बहानागरि ७ वर्षीया बालिकामाथि बलात्कार हेर्नुहोस??||  Seven Years Old Girl Has Been Raped In Nepal Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Rating: 5

पोखरामा पूर्वराजपरिवारको ‘सेलिब्रेसन’||Selebration occasion in pokhara

Monday, December 17, 2018
Selebration occasion in pokhara for gyanendra
Selebration occasion in pokhara
Pokhara on पुस २,
Between the east and two hours before the east of Pokhara Shahdampati, in Pokhara heard the mantrophonic voice around the airport. At 10 am outside the airport, the supporters of the monarchy had reached with the national with of nepal.

Gyanendra Shah previous king of nepal got 11 o'clock in the morning with his news of Pokhara Orleen. About 12 o'clock when he got out of the airport, then he got a glimpse of a glimpse of a picture.
के तपाईं यो Website मा माथी देखएजस्तै बिज्ञापन राख्न चाहानुहुन्छ,यदि चाहानुहुन्छ भने यहाँ CLICK गर्नुहोस्।fee-2,000/month मो-9814695072 e-mail:joshikhagen3@gmail.com,mobile no ९८१४६९५०७२
Panchabhaja was not welcomed with the exile of Jainanendra's song, formerly Rajya Gyanendra's singing song, the national slogan and the slogan of republicanism and federalism.

Gyanendra proceeded with the welcome of 21kg of flowers on his neck and received from Panchakanya. Probably grew up on her side. The slogans of federalism and republic Kharjee drowned.

While taking the bunch of flowers, he reached the airport to Mustingchok. Smiling with a glowing face on the crowds of selffeiting and cheerful song singers, Pratraj Gyanendra took respect.

He drowned the King like the country, left the republic and federalism with the exit of the airport, and our king is more than our loved ones.

While the frontier encouraged the crowds to reach the Mukhtar Chowk, Etthani Kimal took the vehicle from the airport and shouting the hand.

Hundreds of supporters came to welcome Gyanendra at the airport. The parents of the exorcist were happy to see the great crowd and cheerful supporters. Between many kings, one heard the sound of the king, coming from a crowd.

In the welcome of Gyanendra, Kamal Thapa led by Rappa Nepal, was also present. Likewise, the Shiv Sena was in the crowd from the representatives of the religious organizations to those who came to selflessness.
In this way the celebration of gyanendra in pokhara was finished.
पोखरामा पूर्वराजपरिवारको ‘सेलिब्रेसन’||Selebration occasion in pokhara पोखरामा पूर्वराजपरिवारको ‘सेलिब्रेसन’||Selebration occasion in pokhara Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 17, 2018 Rating: 5

‘बागी ३’मा टाइगरको साथमा सारा ?||Bollywood

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Bollywood नायक टाइगर श्राफलाई स्टार बनाएको चलचित्र हो, ‘बागी’ । यस चलचित्रको दोश्रो सिरिज पनि बक्स अफिसमा हिट भयो । यसैले पनि टाइगर श्राफका लागि यो चलचित्र विशेष छ । यश चलचित्रको दोश्रो सिरिज हलमा चलिरहँदा नै यसका निर्माता साजिद नाडियाडवालाले तेश्रो सिरिज बनाउने घोषणा गरिसकेका थिए । त्यसैले पनि यो चलचित्रका लागि नायक श्राफले धेरै मिहिनेत गरिरहेका छन् । चलचित्रमा टाइगरको एक्सनले दर्शकको मन जितेको थियो ।
के तपाईं यो Website मा माथी देखएजस्तै बिज्ञापन राख्न चाहानुहुन्छ,यदि चाहानुहुन्छ भने यहाँ CLICK गर्नुहोस्।fee-2,000/month मो-9814695072 e-mail:joshikhagen3@gmail.com,mobile no ९८१४६९५०७२
पहिलो सिरिजमा चलचित्रमा श्रद्धा कपुर देखिएकी थिइन् भने त्यसैगरी दोश्रो सिरिजमा नायिका दिशा पटानीलाई दर्शकले हेर्न पाएका थिए । अब, यस चलचित्रको तेश्रो सिरिजमा नायिका साराअली खानले काम गर्न लागेको खबर भारतीय मिडियामा छाएको छ ।
सारा पहिलो चलचित्र ‘केदारनाथ’बाट पाएको प्रतिक्रियाले उत्साहित छिन् । त्यसैले पनि उनलाई लिएर चलचित्र बनाउन अहिले निर्माताहरु पनि लागिपरेका छन् । साराअलीलाई चलचित्रका लागि फाइनल गरिएको खबर भारतीय मिडियामा आएपनि यसको बारेमा यसको निर्माणपक्षले केहि पनि बताएको छैन ।
यो Bollywood News कस्तो लग्यो comment गर्नुहोला।
‘बागी ३’मा टाइगरको साथमा सारा ?||Bollywood ‘बागी ३’मा टाइगरको साथमा सारा ?||Bollywood Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Sunday, December 16, 2018 Rating: 5

police arrested ||आफ्नै श्रीमती र छोरीको हत्या गरी खोलामा शव फाल्ने व्यक्ति पक्राउ।

Sunday, December 16, 2018
Polish arrested with the murder cases clind

Police arrested the person from Ramadan Meri. She revealed 25-year-old Kammati Lalmon Khutan and one year's daughter Roshan Khaton on the Rapti river and threw her face and hit the valley and was killed.

के तपाईं यो Website मा माथी देखएजस्तै बिज्ञापन राख्न चाहानुहुन्छ,यदि चाहानुहुन्छ भने यहाँ CLICK गर्नुहोस्।fee-2,000/month मो-9814695072 e-mail:joshikhagen3@gmail.com,mobile no ९८१४६९५०७२ The body of a girl of a girl, about nine years ago, was found at Hetauda-1, Neharpani on December 15. Police found a woman's body near a place where the girl was found found dead on December 10 for some time searching for a child.

Inspector of the District Police Office Makwanpur, Inspector, Buddhist Gurung said that both of them were shot dead on the same day. The police have been arrested by arresting the tailor's murder case, police said.

SP Buddhra Gurung said that he had been raped by other people of labor and who was always fighting for a rally. Police also said that his brother, Arman Meri, also helped to kill Mrs. and daughter.

Arman is absconding. According to SP Gurung, the deceased was sent by the deceased, who had been raped and killed in the accident.

The police had taken control of her husband and her husband, who had been living in Hetauda market, on December 2. Gurung informed that the police had taken control of the police station after receiving a tape.

The 26-year-old, who was murdered by the daughter and wife, was from Bihar State Motihari police station Ramgarhwa, police said. They were renting the rooms at Hetauda-5. According to the police, Mithi of Lalun Khutu, who was murdered, is also in charge.

The tailor has been found in the case of investigation of the incident by filing his relatives in India from the number found in the diary found with the woman's body. Aler Meri, India, has got into consideration for the brother and woman of the deceased woman.
In this way he is arrested by polish.
police arrested ||आफ्नै श्रीमती र छोरीको हत्या गरी खोलामा शव फाल्ने व्यक्ति पक्राउ। police arrested ||आफ्नै श्रीमती र छोरीको हत्या गरी खोलामा शव फाल्ने व्यक्ति पक्राउ। Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Sunday, December 16, 2018 Rating: 5

ईपीएलमा अाज ललितपुर र भैरहवा खेल्दै|| Playing Lalitpur and Bhairahawa in ELL

Saturday, December 15, 2018
ईपीएलमा अाज ललितपुर र भैरहवा खेल्दै

ईपीएलमा अाज ललितपुर र भैरहवा खेल्दै
एभरेष्ट प्रिमियर लिग क्रिकेट ईपीएलमा अाइतबार एउटा मात्रै खेल हुँदैछ ।
त्रिवि मैदान कीर्तिपुरमा दिउँसो १ बजे हुने खेलमा ललितपुर प्याट्रियोट्स र भैरहवा ग्लाडियटरर्स भिड्ने छन् । जारी प्रतियोगितामा ललितपुर शीर्ष स्थानमा रहँदा भैरहवा दोस्रो स्थानमा छ ।
के तपाईं यो Website मा माथी देखाए जस्तै बिज्ञापन राख्न चाहानुहुन्छ,यदि चाहानुहुन्छ भने यहाँ CLICK गर्नुहोस्।fee-2,000/month मो-9814695072 e-mail:joshikhagen3@gmail.com,mobile no ९८१४६९५०७२
ज्ञानेन्द्र मल्लकाे कप्तानीमा रहेको ललितपुर र शरद भेषावकरको कप्तानीको भैरहवा दुवै अाजको खेल जित्दै क्वालीफायर राउण्डमा प्रवेश गर्ने लक्ष्यका साथ मैदान उत्रने छन् ।
आज विजयी हुने टिम शीर्ष स्थानमा रहँदै सिधै क्वालीफायर राउण्ड खेल्नेछ । क्वालीफायर राउण्डमा विजयी हुने टिम फाइनलमा पुुग्दा पराजित हुने टिम एलिमिनेटर राउण्डमा खेल्ने छ ।
ईपीएलमा अाज ललितपुर र भैरहवा खेल्दै|| Playing Lalitpur and Bhairahawa in ELL ईपीएलमा अाज ललितपुर र भैरहवा खेल्दै|| Playing Lalitpur and Bhairahawa in ELL Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Saturday, December 15, 2018 Rating: 5

Who is the world's expensive mobile carrier woman?

Saturday, December 15, 2018
 Who is the world's expensive mobile carrier woman?
Who is the world's expensive mobile carrier woman?

Mumbai According to Mukesh Ambani Fobers Asia, India's 38th place in the world, he is ranked 22th in the list of the world's billionaire.

The wealth of Amir Amani's house, vehicle, from silk to work, and the comfort of the staff of his home is also discussed.

He and his family and their lifestyle are very concerned about it.

Mukesh Ambani, wife of Nita Ambani, appears to be a lot of women spending. She drinks more than 3 priced tea. The value of every item that he uses is mentioned in the Indian media, which is very expensive.

Ambani's wife Nita Ambani, owner of Geo Company, claims to be the cheapest phone, is worth 315 million. The price at which the private jet can be bought. Their mobile Phalkone Supernova smartphone has a value of $ 48.5 million.

This phone-making company manufactures a phone based on a specific demand for some of the wealthy people in the world. This phone was launched in 2014. The phone is made of 24 carat gold and pink gold. Which has been coded from platinum that saves the phone from the footsteps.

Diamond is connected to the back of the phone. The feature of this phone can not be hacked. A notification attempted to hack on the phone immediately comes.
Who is the world's expensive mobile carrier woman? Who is the world's expensive mobile carrier woman? Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Saturday, December 15, 2018 Rating: 5

Emotionally, Messi said, 'Who does not miss Ronaldo in Reall!

Saturday, December 15, 2018
Who does not miss Ronaldo in Real

Who does not miss Ronaldo in Real
मंसिर २९,
Spanish Real Madrid is struggling to get rid of bad conditions at this time. At the beginning of this season, after the superstar Christine Ronaldo departed from the Real Yuvintus, Real Estate is in some way rough. Especially during the real-time team, the excellent goal is not going to be a player.

Real La Liga is not in its ranked position, and she has not been able to perform satisfactory in the Champions League. For the last time, in the final game of the group stage, Real defeated the weak team in their own home by 0-0 with the match. Rial's deficit was a bad 9-yearning result.

After the game, Realka star Left Back Marcelo has given an emotional response to Ronaldo. Ronaldo and Marcelo were good friends while staying in the race. They liked the field outside the field, and they liked the same in the field.

However, Ronaldley left Real Real's Realless. Meanwhile, when Italy lost its rhythm, Ronaldo is performing a wonderful show in Italy. At this time, Marcelo has said that he and other team players missed Ronaldo too.

के तपाईं यो Website मा माथी देखाए जस्तै बिज्ञापन राख्न चाहानुहुन्छ,यदि चाहानुहुन्छ भने यहाँ CLICK गर्नुहोस्।fee-2,000/month मो-9814695072 e-mail:joshikhagen3@gmail.com,mobile no ९८१४६९५०७२
In an interview, Marcela has said that it is equally good to miss when the excellent player with the same team is separated from the team. Ronaldo told that he missed Ronaldo in every game.

'She has always been our colleague and a good friend. He also liked the same with Ramos and Murrick, "Marcelo, who has spent decades in Rial, has said," The best players of the world do not get into their team to miss them. "

He added earlier, 'Some of the teams also want Ronaldo to be in their team. Real is always true, the player will continue to come. "

Ronaldo reached the age of 16 million euros in the beginning of this season. He spent 950 goals in 4 9 rally while spending 9 years in Rial. He is the most challenging player in the history of Rial.
Emotionally, Messi said, 'Who does not miss Ronaldo in Reall! Emotionally, Messi said, 'Who does not miss Ronaldo in Reall! Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Saturday, December 15, 2018 Rating: 5

Latest Filmy News Nepal||चलचित्र निर्माणका लागि भुवन केसी र दिपक–दिपाकाे सहकार्य हाेला ?Is it possible?

Friday, December 14, 2018

Latest Filmy News Nepal:
We can found the Latest Filmy Nepali News,Humor artist Deepakra Giri, Deepshri Nravula, Kedar Ghimire and Jitu Nepal have succeeded in giving blockbuster movies one day after Nepali film industry.

They have made successful movies such as VADA number 6, 6 acres 6, sixth panch series. Movie Chhaka Panda 3 was successful in most of the movie history history. It was also successful to celebrate 13 holes in the valley and out of 51 days.

While this team has been giving one more successful movie yet, the number of movies that they can bring is now a matter of waiting for many. Producers and directors of Nepali movie industry also hope to be able to cooperate with the team but they are optimistic to succeed.

Nepali movie area has been established by Bhuvan KC and Deepak-Dapa's team in collaboration with the team. Although this was just a matter of time, but it did not start getting started. Now things are coming out now.
The audience has also liked movies made by Bhawan KC. In the same movie, Pramool Bhawan's son, Pramool Prasad, is also successful. If this opportunity is to cooperate with these two successful teams, once the movie industry can be believed to be around their neighborhoods.

Bhawan KC and Deepak-Dapa are positive about this. Both sides have not been able to coordinate the story.

So in this way we provide you to Latest Filmy News Nepal.
Latest Filmy News Nepal||चलचित्र निर्माणका लागि भुवन केसी र दिपक–दिपाकाे सहकार्य हाेला ?Is it possible? Latest Filmy News Nepal||चलचित्र निर्माणका लागि भुवन केसी र  दिपक–दिपाकाे सहकार्य हाेला ?Is it possible? Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Friday, December 14, 2018 Rating: 5

Three children burnt in fire in Dang

Thursday, December 13, 2018
Three children burnt in fire in Dang
Three children burnt in fire in Dang
December 28, Kathmandu One of them was killed and two daughters were killed when a fire was burnt in the house of Nangalaj reo of 8 gangs of Banglachuli village of Dang.

According to the information, Krishna Bahadur again, seven year old son of Navaraj again, Ashima re-daughter of the year and Anju Reako, the daughter of two months old, died, District Police Office Dang spokesperson Ram Prasad Gharti Magar said.

The wife of Navaraj went back to village to make a son and two daughters swim in the house.

According to the police, the son of a four-year-old son died when the burner of Solarar was burnt while going to Jharkhand, one of his sons and two daughters were burnt in the house, police said.

Inside the fire, it has burnt seven goats and four cows. Local residents and police had taken control of the fire on Thursday.
Three children burnt in fire in Dang Three children burnt in fire in Dang Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Thursday, December 13, 2018 Rating: 5

6 killed as a guest of a married couple in Dang|| Accident Nepal,In Marriage Ceremony

Thursday, December 13, 2018
Accident nepal,In marriage ceremony
Accident Nepal, In Marriage CeremonyDecember 13, DangAt least six people died when a jeep carrying wedding guests were traveling in a passenger bus with Lamahi Municipality of Dang district, in western Nepal, in the hours of Thursday. Victims include both bride's parents.

Scorpio (Ba 12 Cha 3122) was held under the leadership of Sharmeshwar of the wedding from Chitwan after the wedding ceremony of Wednesday evening. It hit 2:00 with bus (Na 5 Kha 4090) .The bus was heading toward Kathmandu from Mahendranagar. Thevictims have been identified as Man Bahadur KC (53), Bimala Khatri (45), Bishwa Nath Adhikari (49), Praveen KC (5), Deepak Kumar Khadka (31) and Datta Bahadur Khatri (78). They were all from different places of the banke district. Bahadur KC and Bimala Khatri are parents and mother of the groom respectively. The newlyweds are unhurt as they were on another vehicle.
6 killed as a guest of a married couple in Dang|| Accident Nepal,In Marriage Ceremony 6  killed as a guest of a married couple in Dang|| Accident Nepal,In Marriage Ceremony Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Thursday, December 13, 2018 Rating: 5

China's President visits Nepal, start preparing

Thursday, December 13, 2018
China's President visits Nepal,Chinese President in nepal
China's President visits Nepal
Kathmandu, 28 December. China has been preparing for high-level tourism in Nepal. High level tour has been discussed in the 12th meeting of Nepal-China bilateral cooperation mechanism.

But when it comes to high-level visits is not clear. Nepal is constantly taking initiative to visit President-level from China. Annaniary Post Daily has printed the news.

Jiang Jemin visited two countries in December of 1996. In January 2012 Prime Minister Wen Jiiyao came to Nepal for five hours. President Hu Zintao did not come to Nepal in two terms. President C. Chinfing also did not consider Nepal tour in the first round.

In the 12th meeting of Nepal-China two-party consulting mechanism, discussions have been discussed with high-level visits. At the meeting, Foreign Secretary Shankar Dars Baragi and the leadership of the Chinese side led by Nepali Prime Minister (secretary level) Khong Suanouou have led the Nepali side leadership. Yes, the Chinese ambassador to Nepal was also a participant in the meeting.

In 2019, the Chinese President discussed the possibility of visiting Nepal. Before meeting, Foreign Secretary discussed the high-level visit to Foreign Minister Wang Yi, while addressing the courtesy of the Chinese state guest house.
China's President visits Nepal, start preparing China's President visits Nepal, start preparing Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Thursday, December 13, 2018 Rating: 5

यस्तो छ दैनिक सेक्स गर्नुका फाइदाहरू,एकपटक अवस्य पढ्नुपर्ने

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

सेक्स विषयहरूमा धेरै अध्ययनहरू छन्, तर दैनिक सेक्सका फाइदाहरू । दैनिक स्वास्थ्यको लागि राम्रो  महत्त्वपूर्ण छ भन्ने बारेमा थुप्रै अनुसन्धानहरू छन्। केवल महत्त्वपूर्ण जानकारी तपाईंको लागि हो। यी दैनिक यौन फाइदाहरू छन्

सेक्स विषयहरूमा धेरै अध्ययनहरू छन्, तर दैनिक सेक्सका फाइदाहरू । दैनिक स्वास्थ्यको लागि राम्रो  महत्त्वपूर्ण छ भन्ने बारेमा थुप्रै अनुसन्धानहरू छन्। केवल महत्त्वपूर्ण जानकारी तपाईंको लागि हो। यी दैनिक यौन फाइदाहरू छन्
माइग्रेनमा आराम हुन्छ
नेशनल सर्वे अफ सेक्सुअल एटिट्यूड्स एण्ड लाइफस्टाइल्सको एक अनुसन्धानका अनुसार नियमित रूपमा सेक्स गर्नाले माइग्रेनका रोगीहरूलाइ निकै फाइदाजनक हुन्छ र मानिसहरू महिनामा पाँच पटक भन्दा कम सेक्स गर्दछन उनीहरूलाइ माइग्रेनको रिस्क धेरै हुने गर्दछ ।
ब्लड प्रेशर कम हुन्छ
हाई बीपीका रोगीहरूका लागी सेक्स निकै फाइदाजनक छ । एनल्स अफ बिहेवियरल मेडिसिनमा प्रकाशित अनुसन्धानमा भने ‌निय‌मित रूपमा सेक्स गर्ने मानिसहरूलाइ हाई बीपीको समस्या कम हुने गर्दछ ।
प्रोस्टेट क्यान्सरबाट बचाउँछ
जर्नल अफ द अमेरिकन मेडिकल एसोसिएशनमा प्रकाशित अनुसन्धान अनुसार जो पुरुष महीनामा कम्तीमा २१ पटक सेक्स गर्दछन वा यसो भनौं कि नियमित रूपमा सेक्स गर्दछन, उनीहरूलाइ प्रोस्टेट क्यान्सरको खतरा निकै कम हुने गर्दछ । महिलाहरूको ढाड कम्मर दुखाइमा कमि हुन्छ ।वेबएमडीमा प्रकाशित अनुसन्धानमा बताइए अनुसार नियमित रूपमा सेक्स गर्नाले महिलाहरूमा ब्लेडर तथा पेल्विक फ्लोर मसल्स संग जोडिएका रोगहरू हटाउनमा मद्दत पुग्दछ ।
मोटोपन टाढा भगाउँछ
मोटोपनबाट पिडित मानिसहरूका लागी नियमित सेक्स क्यालोरी बर्न गर्ने सजिलो उपाय हो । कतिपय अनुसन्धानहरूले भने सेक्स गर्नु एउटा कसरत भन्दा पनि हुने बताएका छन ।
मानसिक पीडा घटाउँछ
यूनिभर्सिटी अफ न्यू जर्सी को अनुसन्धानमा भने अर्गेज्मको स्थितिले मानिसहरूलाइ पिडा कम गर्नका लागी एउटा पेनकिलरको जस्तै काम गर्दछ ।

यस्तो छ दैनिक सेक्स गर्नुका फाइदाहरू,एकपटक अवस्य पढ्नुपर्ने यस्तो छ दैनिक सेक्स गर्नुका फाइदाहरू,एकपटक अवस्य पढ्नुपर्ने Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 Rating: 5

तरकारी बेचेर पढेको छोरा, आज नेपाल र भारतको आकाशमा बुद्ध ऐरको वायुयान दिनहु चलाउछ्न।Nepali Latest News

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

  • Nepali Latest News Rolpa. The financial situation of the house was not so easy. The father used to farm farming in the village by retiring from the hordes of the Nepali army. He had been studying hard in the school with the goal of becoming the first pilot of the district. He was talking to some doctors, some engineers, some lawyers, some teachers, but he became a pilot. Some friends listened to him and shouted. He behaved as if he did not behave. Always continue to kiss your goal.

उनी हुन्, शिव डाँगी । रोल्पाकै पहिलो पाइलट । रोल्पा नगरपालिका–२ थलिवाङमा बुबा प्रेमबहादुर डाँगी र आमा शोभा डाँगीबाट २७ वर्षअघि जन्मिएका शिव डाँगी अचेल बुद्ध एयरको पाइलट बनेर नेपाली र भारतीय आकाशमा दिनहुँ जहाज उडाइरहन्छन् ।रो ल्पाकै पहिलो पाइलट शिव डाँगी ।कक्षा १० सम्म रोल्पाको तुलसी आवासीय माविमा अध्ययन गरेका उनले उच्च माविस्तरको पढाइ भने काठमाडौबाट पूरा गरे । फिलिपिन्सको मनिलामा सन् २०११ देखि फास्ट एडिएसन एकेडेमीमा पाइलट कोर्ष शुरु गरेका उनले त्यसअघि पनि सोही स्थानमा रहेको एक विद्यालयमा अध्ययन आरम्भ गरेका थिए ।

He spent only 32 million, he was forced to stop studying for some time after school. The reason for cheating the goal was because he again rehearsed another college studying the reversal when he reached the Fast Edison Academy, where he completed the pilot. He studied eight years in the Philippines, he started teaching a ship. After coming to Nepal, he is using a ship of Ashram Buddha Air. It was said that the ship was run on different parts of Nepal and India, he said that the goal is not failing.

The monthly expenditure of 16,000 rupees received from the pension of Prem Bahadur Dal, who was retained from the Nepalese army, was able to afford the house. According to the family, she studied studies up to class 12, although she was spending too much money in the study of the Philippines. She sold vegetables by roasting the night and night. Monthly rupees 50 thousand more vegetables would be income. Shabha, the mother of Shiva 's mother, is the only farming plant that teaches her son .Your study was very fast. Shobha said no one was second in class. At the beginning, Shobha said the neighbor used to talk about being a son pilot.

She said that selling vegetables as well as land and leaving her son by making a pilot. Shobha said the remaining money taken from the bank is now being handed over to the bank. Shobha said that mother spent a million rupees, when she completed the entire tenure, Krishna Dung, too, is reading the engineer in Kathmandu. Shobha said that a son Pilate and the main son of another son of the engineer, is farming. She said she was proud of making her son a pilot, engineer from vegetable farming.

Most young people of Rolpa, who are most influenced by the armed conflict, are forced to go to Gulf countries for the job of pursuing employment. Shortly successful people have been able to stand in the row of young people who have become self employed. Shiva Dangi .All four thousand young people are found in the Gulf country. Youths take their way home to Rahul .1200,000 506 There is a population of people in Rolpa, which is a population.

तरकारी बेचेर पढेको छोरा, आज नेपाल र भारतको आकाशमा बुद्ध ऐरको वायुयान दिनहु चलाउछ्न।Nepali Latest News तरकारी बेचेर पढेको छोरा, आज नेपाल र भारतको आकाशमा बुद्ध ऐरको वायुयान दिनहु चलाउछ्न।Nepali Latest News Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Rating: 5

EPL: Challenges of 167 runs to Lalitpur by Pokhara

Monday, December 10, 2018

24, Kathmandu Pokhara Renes has challenged Lalitpur Patriots 167 runs in the Everest Premier League (EPL) Cricket Championship. After pitching for the first time, Pokhara made 166 runs in the loss of 4 wickets in the 20 overs for the first time, Lalitpur got the goal of medium score.

South African batsman Richard Pobyle had hit his team by batting the explosive for Pokhara. Labeli performed excellent 84 runs. He hit nine sixs and three fours in 399 balls of explosive batteries. He shared 9 7 runs with Captain Kyle Coat.

But Pabhraa could not score a big score despite being dismissed. Saul Dharmala, who came to bat on third, made 10 runs in 11 balls while captain Koizar scored 19 runs in 31 balls.

But Pabhraa could not score a big score despite being dismissed. Saul Dharmala, who came to bat on third, made 10 runs in 11 balls while captain Koizar scored 19 runs in 31 balls.

Then Paul Kaugalin and Vinod Bhandari came to take care of the purges of Pokhara. Bhandari made unbeaten 34 runs in 23 balls while Kogalin scored 14 runs. The two batsmen had 48 runs respectively. On the bowling, Pawan Saraf took three wickets.
EPL: Challenges of 167 runs to Lalitpur by Pokhara EPL: Challenges of 167 runs to Lalitpur by Pokhara Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Good news: Now the 'trial' service from the government for the driver's license

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Good News Kathmandu. The Three Traffic Management Officers of the Valley have started the free trial trial service for distribution licenses. According to the Traffic Management Department, the three office offices of the valley started free trial from today, after the order of free trial to be filed in the Supreme Court on the basis of 'Trial' examination for the distribution of the license.

Tulsiam Aryal, spokesperson of the department, said that there was Sukdehara, Bharat Yang and Salghari in Bhaktapur on the start of the 'trial' service. The Supreme Court issued public notice to present the proposal to the school which was conducting the conduct of conducting training training after the Supreme Court ordered to make free trial. According to that, three training centers for Sukdehara were given for two and one training center for Bhaktapur.

He said that the training center has given permission to "trial" on the ground. Gurdduhara has started from today's Vedic Academy and Research Center Pralaya Prasad, who has been allowed to "trial" the 'Sudkhaara'. Madhav Prasad Adhikari, managing director of 150 people 'trial', said in the center spread over 42 ropei area. On the first day today, the trial driver wanted to get the license.

Other services also show that the start-up service will be started soon. The large banking and Bhaktapur office also started service from this week. The Aktukana office will not be free because the agreement has been made to take 'trial' for 10 years.
Good news: Now the 'trial' service from the government for the driver's license Good news: Now the 'trial' service from the government for the driver's license Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Saturday, December 08, 2018 Rating: 5

Srinkhala's Family and relatives in Beijing together with series

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Kathmandu, 21. Nepal's Communist Party (CPI) MP and district leaders have reached China to support the series of Khatiwada who are competing in the Miss World competition.

The leaders and family members have gone to that direction to provide direct support to the series. Miss Word is going on in Sania of China.

The chain father, Barodh Khatwada, is a member of the CPI (M) central member and MP, and Mata Munu is the signature of the CPN (M), the CPN-M and CPI (M). Both of them have arrived in China now. Subcontinent of Hetauda Subcontinent and CPN-M Secretary-General Meena Lama has also arrived in Beijing on Thursday.

Similarly, around 40 group members of the UCPN-M leader Kakakakai and Maamizu, including the series of Makkanwanpur district secretariat member Madan Dahal, have been reported to be Beijing. All have gone into a private expense. In order to strengthen the series, his brother also came to Australia from China.

©VIP-news nepal all rights reserved.

Srinkhala's Family and relatives in Beijing together with series  Srinkhala's  Family and relatives in Beijing together with series Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Thursday, December 06, 2018 Rating: 5

The gang rape was rape, one in Kathmandu and three arrested in Mahindranagar

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Kathmandu, 20 December. The girl may have been murdered after the rape of Nirmala Pant, the police's latest investigation has indicated similarly. Four people have been arrested in this fate, one in Kathmandu and three in Mahindranagar. New magazine has printed the news daily.

Pradeep Rawal, a neighbor of Nirmala, has been arrested in connection with the possibility of killing after mass rape. He has been placed at Metropolitan Police Circle in Maharajgunj. Similarly, other three have been arrested in Mahindranagar.

All of them are drug abuse and the police source confessed to some of the crimes. However, the police do not publicly inform official details unless the DNA tests are confirmed.

The local had heard that some young people did wrong in their own, but the police talked among others who had hurt others. The locals had given information about that to the police.

However, till then four Indians had gone. A policeman was taken to Kanchanpur from Metropolitan Crime High School to sketch all four. According to police sources, Pradeep was arrested in Kathmandu and others were arrested in Mahindranagar.

After questioning Pradeep, the police arrested three others in Mahindranagar. A police officer, who is affiliated with the research, said, "There is still no alternative to the technical side." The police source said that the DNA examination process has started.

After the incident, they had stopped staying in Mahindranagar. Most of the people living in India, most of them have been involved in criminal activities even in the past, as well as police sources.
The dead body was found in the area where drug abuse was routine. Police sources say that those involved in the drug abuse are likely to be involved in drug abuse.

Pradeep's house, which is arrested in Kathmandu, is about 3 miles [3 km] away from Niramala's house. A CBI official, who had been living in India for long periods of abuse and his father and mother, said.

The gang rape was rape, one in Kathmandu and three arrested in Mahindranagar The gang rape was rape, one in Kathmandu and three arrested in Mahindranagar Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Wednesday, December 05, 2018 Rating: 5

धनगढीमा लगायत ठाउँ-ठाउँ मा रवि जिताउ अभियान सक्दो शेयर गरौ।रविलाइ कसरी भोट गर्ने तल हेर्नुहोला।

Wednesday, December 05, 2018
    Ravi odd

धनगढि: AP1 टेलिभिजन बाट प्रसारण भै रहेको नेपाल आइडल का दाबेदार प्रतिस्पर्धि रवि ओड लाई जिताउन ठाउँ ठाउँ मा अभियान सुचारु भयको छ।
धेरै जस्तोले Social media,huding board लगयर रवि लाई जिताउने अभियान चालेका छ्न।
नेपाल आइड्ल को मन्चमा आफ्ना दमदार प्रस्तुति दिदै उनी TOP-5 मा पुग्न सफाल भयका छ्न।
TOP-5 मा रहेका रवि लाई जिताउन उता बिदेशमा रहेका नेपाली को पनि उत्तिकै जोर रहेको छ।

उनले नेपाल आइड्ल को मध्यम बाट पुरै सुदुरपस्चिम लाई नै चिनाएका छ्न।
"नेपाल आइडल का सान रवि ओड लाई मतदान"भन्ने नाराबाट उनको धेरै प्रचार भैरहेको छ।

धनगढीका ठाँउ ठाँउ मा रवि को नाम मा होडिङ बोर्ड राखियका छ्न।
रविलाइ भोटिङ गर्ने तरिका।
How to vote to ravi:
मोबाइल को message box मा गइ
10 टाइप गरि 31009 मा पठाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ।
VOTING LINE बिहिवार  रति 8:30 देखि
शुक्र बार 12 बजे सम्म गर्न सकिने छ।
अथबा Respect and rise app मार्फत 
पनि रबिलाइ भोट गर्नसकिने छ।

धनगढीमा लगायत ठाउँ-ठाउँ मा रवि जिताउ अभियान सक्दो शेयर गरौ।रविलाइ कसरी भोट गर्ने तल हेर्नुहोला। धनगढीमा लगायत ठाउँ-ठाउँ मा रवि जिताउ अभियान सक्दो शेयर गरौ।रविलाइ कसरी भोट गर्ने तल हेर्नुहोला। Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Wednesday, December 05, 2018 Rating: 5

While getting angry for justice for nirmala, Oli's chair was shaken in Dr. KC, Baluwatar

Monday, December 03, 2018

काठमाडौं- चिकित्सा शिक्षा सुधारका लागि लड्दै आएका डा. गोविन्द केसी कञ्चनपुरकी चेली निर्मला पन्तलाई न्याय दिलाउन अनशन बस्ने भएका छन्।

डा. केसीले सोमवार पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरी हत्यारालाई पक्राउ गर्न सरकारलाई तीन हप्ते अल्टिमेटम दिएका छन्। नभए पुस ३ गतेदेखि आमरण अनशन बस्ने उनले घोषणा गरेका छन्।
सोमबार पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरी डा. केसीले १० साउनमा भएको सहमति कार्यान्वयनसँगै निर्मला पन्तको हत्यारालाई पक्राउ गरी कारबाही गर्न माग गरे ।
‘निर्मला पन्तको बलत्कार र हत्यामा संलग्न व्यक्तिहरुलाई तत्काल पक्राउ गरी मुद्दा चलाइयोस् ।
साथै, प्रमाण लोप गर्ने, झुठा प्रमाण बनाउने, यातना दिने, न्याय माग्न गएका व्यक्ति माथि गोली चलाई हत्या, अंगभंग गर्ने व्यक्तिहरु माथि तत्काल फौजदारी मुद्दा चलाइयोस्’, उनले माग गरेका छन्। निर्मलाको बलात्कारपछि हत्या भएको ४ महिना भन्दा बढी भइसक्दा पनि सरकारले हत्यारा पत्ता लगाउन सकेको छैन्।
While getting angry for justice for nirmala, Oli's chair was shaken in Dr. KC, Baluwatar While getting angry for justice for nirmala, Oli's chair was shaken in Dr. KC, Baluwatar Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 03, 2018 Rating: 5

नेपालीहरुका लागि एकैसाथ दाेहाेराे खुशी ब्यूटी विद अ पर्पस अवार्ड पनि श्रृंखलालार्इ,सक्दो सेयर गरौ।

Monday, December 03, 2018

मसिर १७,
Successful series Khatiwada has managed to hand over the Beauty with a Purpose Award by winning the Multimedia Award in Miss World 2018. Sharing the video with InstaGram in instagram without a while ago, the series had won the news with the beauty of A Purpose Award.

यसका बारेमा श्रृंखलाले अाधिकािरक जानकारी गराए पनि मिस वर्ल्डकाे अाधिकारिक पेजमा अाउन भने बाँकी छ ।
ब्यूटी विद अ पर्पस श्रृंखलालार्इ दिलाउन मदत गर्ने उनकाे पर्पस अर्थात उद्धेश्य भने मकवानपुर जिल्लाको चेपाङ बस्तीमा हेल्थपोष्ट निर्माण गर्ने रहेकाे छ ।
नेपालीहरुका लागि एकैसाथ दाेहाेराे खुशी ब्यूटी विद अ पर्पस अवार्ड पनि श्रृंखलालार्इ,सक्दो सेयर गरौ। नेपालीहरुका लागि एकैसाथ दाेहाेराे खुशी ब्यूटी विद अ पर्पस अवार्ड पनि श्रृंखलालार्इ,सक्दो सेयर गरौ। Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 03, 2018 Rating: 5

शुभ समाचार: मेक्सिको र केन्यापछि पार्दै श्रृंखला, फाइनलमा ।

Monday, December 03, 2018

मंसिर 17, काठमाडौं। चीनले मिस World 2018 को लागि नेपाललाई प्रतिनिधित्व गरेर यसको जितलाई सुरक्षित गर्नेछ, मिस नेपाल सीरीजले शीर्ष 30 को स्थानमा "मटमीडिया पुरस्कार" शीर्षकको स्थान सुरक्षित गरेको छ। सार्वजनिक मतदानको आधारमा मल्टीमीडिया अवार्डको कारणले गर्दा यो राम्रो थियो र उनले निरन्तरताको अनुरोध गरेनन्।
यसअघि हेड टु हेड च्यालेन्जको पहिलो चरणको निर्णय पनि पब्लिक भोटिङका आधारमा भएको थियो । यसमा श्रृंखला आफ्नो समुहबाट विजेता हूँदै दोस्रो चरणमा प्रवेश गरेकी थिइन् । दोस्रो चरणमा ९० सेकेन्डको भिडियो पि्रजेन्टेसन दिनुपर्ने थियो । यसमा सिंगापुरकी सुन्दरी उनीसँग प्रतिस्पर्धामा थिइन् । तीनै जना जजहरुको मत पाएर सिंगापुरकी सुन्दरीले श्रृंखलालाई हराइन्।

२३ वर्षीया खतिवडाले मिस वर्ल्डमा मेक्सिको र केन्याकी प्रतिस्पर्धीलाई पछि पार्दै मल्टिमिडिया अवार्ड हात पार्न सफल भएकी हुन् ।
यो सफलता सँगै खतिवडा मिस वल्र्ड २०१८ को फाइनलमा पुगेकी छन् ।
शुभ समाचार: मेक्सिको र केन्यापछि पार्दै श्रृंखला, फाइनलमा । शुभ समाचार: मेक्सिको र केन्यापछि पार्दै  श्रृंखला, फाइनलमा । Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 03, 2018 Rating: 5

The series came to Khatvada, looking at the most important information, and share it with everyone

Monday, December 03, 2018
Srinkhala khatiwada

Representating Nepal, Miss , a series of crowned crowns of 2018, Khatiwada, is currently in a hurry to bring Miss Nepal 2018 to Taj Nepal in Sanya of China. But yesterday, the head to head has fallen in second round of Challenge.

In the 13th group of Head to Head Challenge, the series reached the first round of the series, but it was the first round of the series. In the round of all the Nepali supporters liked, but the whole judge liked the presentation of Miss Singapore, Venice.
So the series had to be defeated. After defeat, he is apologizing for a video including all the Nepali Aashabhas Ashu, while organizing a video. The news is out.

At the same time, he has recently made such an appeal.
Where is the moon light all night? And, after returning the moon, put Long in his hand, speak his wishes for three times. Remember, just say desire, do not complain. This should reflect the desire to make your incomplete work, career or property.
After 9 o'clock in the evening, if you adopt this process, this year you will never lose money value and the grace of love will always be over.
The series came to Khatvada, looking at the most important information, and share it with everyone The series came to Khatvada, looking at the most important information, and share it with everyone Reviewed by khagendra joshi on Monday, December 03, 2018 Rating: 5
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